Pictures that move.
(Grades are mine, then Josh's)
[updated: 2.2.06]
Saturday, May 2, 2009
In lieu of pictures (for now)...
What's Ava up to these days? I'm glad you asked. - Becoming best friends with Minnie Mouse (if she doesn't have her stuffed "Big Minnie" at naptime or bedtime, there's trouble).
- Naming what letter various things start with (i.e. "Mommy starts with M"). (Not a lot of interest in the reading thing otherwise.)
- Doing puzzles. Over and over again. (Typically of the 24-60-piece type.)
- Asking about her new swingset (which we'll hopefully get finished and in the yard this weekend).
- Singing. Sunday school songs, Disney songs, nursery rhymes, Christmas songs ("Joy to the World" is the one I've heard most often recently)...
- Getting on her rocking horse and belting out "Mary Had a Little Lamb" at the top of her lungs. No, we have no idea why the two go together. :-)
- Loving cheese.
- Pretending to put her stuffed animals and such (who she calls "friends") to bed under the covers -- she does this several times a day, not usually in her bed, either. All she needs is some type of blanket and a "friend" and she'll do it anywhere.
- Pretending to cook things in her "oven," which is actually a shape-sorting barn with a door that opens and closes. Play-Doh "cookies" are a favorite thing to cook, though she also does coins, puzzle pieces or small toys (no casualties -- yet ;-)).
- Playing with balls (they're never "balls," by the way, they're always "bouncy balls").
- Speaking in fuller sentences and more like a regular person every day.
- Making up her own songs, usually with a melody she knows from something else, and with lyrics often babbled from books she has memorized. Occasionally, though, the melody will sound made up, too (at least to us).
And not a general thing, but a cute story: we've sometimes given her "horsey rides" by getting down on our hands and knees and letting her ride on our backs. Yesterday I was wearing a dark-blue and white striped shirt, and she called it a "zebra ride" instead. :-)

Disc-shaped music.
[updated: 2.2.06]