For several years, now, I have worked at the University Book Store twice a year during their rush periods at the beginning of each semester , and Tuesday was my first day to return this semester. Usually I take the bus (to save money) and so, as I readied myself for work, I stuck a dollar in my pocket for the bus and some extra change in case the price of the ride had risen.
The bus came, I reached into my pocket for my rolled up one, stuck it down the slot, and proceeded to ride the bus to work.
Linda Threllkell is a friend who used to live across the street from me and who also works rush at the bookstore. She and I had taken a watercolor class together in the fall and she had found a wonderful watercolor book (cheap) on e-bay and had bought a couple copies for us to learn from. She brought my copy to work that Tuesday.
It's a great book and she only paid $7.50 or so for it, and that even included postage. I hadn't paid her yet , so I reached into my (other) pocket for the $20 I had brought with me for lunch and stuff, and came out with.... a one. .....huh.......?
Dang! I had stuffed my $20 into the bus slot! Now, mind you, Ames has a great bus system, but it's not $20 great. I called them up - admitted what I did - and , after they had checked their tills that night, traded them my $20 for a $1.
One of the strange parts of this story is, when I told it on myself at work, most of the women assumed that my husband would be really mad at how dumb I was. I said that he would just think it was funny, but I'm not sure they believed me. Yep, he thought it was funny.