I think there's candy inside!
Easter certainly isn't as big of a holiday as Christmas, but Benji had a good time nonetheless. When he woke up to see his Easter basket outside his doorway, he was more excited than usual to open the gate. He particularly liked the bunny tic-tac-toe board and the candy and we had to both play and eat right there outside his room. Eventually he figured out there were eggs to be found, and the Easter egg hunt was on! He found eggs on the stairs, he found eggs under the living room chairs (in the same place he had hid Daddy's birthday presents and their clues), and he even found eggs on the bathroom mirror!
As Benji gathered eggs through the house, he opened each one to see what they held inside. He was especially fond of the ones that had candy inside. He even took it so far as to eschew the ones that contained other stuff. There were three giant eggs that contained Hot Wheels trucks and some medium ones that had Mr. Men stickers. I had thought those would be the hit of the egg hunt, but instead he actually told us "Trucks! I don't want trucks!" and then gave each of us one of the truck eggs. I don't really think it's that he didn't want the trucks, but more that he wanted more of the candy (and to eat it on the spot). But still, it's quite the remark from my three-year-old.
For Easter afternoon we headed over to my parents' house where we had another egg hunt and colored eggs. I don't recall mentioning egg coloring to him, but he kept asking about when we were going to color eggs. So he was quite happy to not only get a visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house, but to also get to color eggs. And the day was topped off with yummy bunny cupcakes!
Oooh! Candy in the egg!
Eggs, eggs, where are you?
The Easter Bunny even hung an egg from the doorknob!
Happy to be done with church.

Looking so stylin' in his new Easter outfit from Aunt Lorraine.

This is such a classic Benji look when he gets excited.

Libellés : Benji
oh so lovingly written by
My son, the Teddy Graham destroyer
On Monday I was the helper parent at Benji's preschool and I really look forward to that chance to observe him in a different environment. Like the other kids, he played by himself for a while and played with the other kids for a while, although I think he played by himself (or with Mommy) more than most of the other kids. As is typical, he was more interested in playing Match Up, doing the maze, or sorting the shapes than in making the art project. He did play with the parking garage with the other kids and built tunnels for the cars with the blocks. At his suggestion the whole class decided to play with the doctor tools (with the baby dolls as the patients). And in the large motor room, he enjoyed showing Mommy how he can walk sideways on the balance beam.
Snack time, however, was the funniest part of school. I brought Teddy Grahams (chocolate chip flavored ones, which the kids loved). At some point Benji held up one of his teddy bears and told everyone how it didn't have an ear (I'm not sure if he bit it off or if it came that way, although I'm guessing he bit it off). The other kids (mostly the boys, I think) thought this was pretty funny and started biting body parts off of their teddy bears, too. Then we all talked about what our teddy bears couldn't do with certain body parts missing. For example, Benji's couldn't hear while one of the other boys had a teddy bear that couldn't walk. Benji also had one where he bit off just one leg and the teddy bear hopped all over the table. They all seemed to be having so much fun, and more interaction than I generally see Benji have.
I had assumed that they had all done this before since I know Teddy Grahams are a popular snack. The teacher said that this was a first (although she certainly wasn't bother by the snack dismemberment). So, yes, my son instigated the whole preschool class to dismember their Teddy Grahams. What will he think of next?
Libellés : Benji
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What kind of CD packaging do you like?
I ask for no particular reason, of course.
There's jewel cases, the ol' standby. And slim jewel cases.
There's the two-panel CD jacket, in which computer software is sometimes found.
There's the four-panel cd wallet (although usually the CD is on the other side).
There's digipaks, which look like a four-panel cd wallet with a jewel case bottom stuck on top.
There's arigato paks (click on, well, "arigato paks").
There's the CD tin (nothing written on it, but you get the idea).
There's amaray DVD cases (i.e. normal DVD cases), but I can't imagine why you'd want a CD in there.
There's, um, trigger cases.
And probably more things I haven't found.
So. Choose.
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I'm two years younger than Kim for another three days!
Everyone is asking me what I want for my birthday, and I am not giving very good answers. So let me try to get a better list.
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