First day of school

It hardly seems possible, but our little Benji is now old enough for school and yesterday was his first day of preschool. Granted, it was also the parent orientation day so we didn't leave the classroom but Benji was completely oblivious to us after the welcome song.

Some of the kids wailed and cried, others quietly hung with their caregivers, and others played with the toys and other kids. Benji was happily in the third group. He explored everything the classroom had to offer, from the pretend kitchen to the giant building blocks. In classic Benji style he brought the giant blocks to the teacher and announced the shapes, such as triangle and medium rectangle. When the teacher said it was cleanup time, he eagerly put all the blocks back in their proper locations. And during the end of school songs he danced happily and followed the teacher around the rug.

School was a complete success! This morning he even asked to go to school again. I think this bodes well for Monday when he has his first day alone. My little baby is growing up so fast, but I feel great about sending him to preschool after seeing how happy he was there.

Libellés :

oh so lovingly written byKimberly |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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