It's been over a week now that we've had our brand-new non-stinky toilet, and it's wonderful! Even Benji noticed it was a new toilet after daD installed it. It really was a family team effort for this update — Christmas money from my parents, Christmas gift cards from Josh and Beth, and installation from daD and moM. Thanks to everyone for this totally mundane but much appreciated gift.
As for the next home improvement, we're thinking that Mr. Bush's tax rebate would translate into a nice new set of sofas. Isn't it my patriotic duty to spend that money?
i sincerely do not know what you are doing here. are you lost? were you
looking for your delicate calico cat, and did you follow her up two flights of stairs
to this room? she is not here. she was here, yes. we gave her a warm bowl of milk, we talked with her about campaign finance reform for a time, and then she bid us good day. i believe she was
going to the post office two blocks down, but i don't quite recall.
for surely you did
not find your way from prinsiana, the least traveled site on
the internet. if you did, though, perhaps you are looking for humor. perhaps you are looking for profundity. perhaps you are looking for answers.
i'm sorry, but you shall go naught-for-three.