Fifth time's a charm

Benji is loving the Christmas season — the lights, the cookies, the music — but it took a while for him to get warmed up to Santa. In concept, he recognizes Santa in pictures, but his reaction in person is quite different. Overall I'm glad he's wary of strangers, but it did make getting my classic Santa photo more difficult. Just wait until next year when he really understands that Santa brings him presents...

Santa #1: This was our first visit to Santa for the season. Although the picture's not very good, you can still see that he's not too thrilled with Santa.

Santa #2, Round 1: This Santa was downtown when we went for the Festival of Lights parade. Even though Santa gave him a little teddy bear, he was still quite skeptical.

Santa #2, Round 2: Since the line wasn't long and they didn't charge you to take pictures (most won't let you take pictures with your own camera), we tried this Santa again. Benji was intrigued by Santa so he was amenable to walking up to him and meeting Santa again.

He seemed happier standing next to Santa so I thought that would be OK for a picture. But, we couldn't get him to look at the camera.

Santa played little games and tickled Benji's hand to get him more comfortable, which Benji actually seemed to like. Santa was very nice and spent more time with us than I would have expected.

Santa #3, Round 2: To finally get the good picture, Matthew took Benji to the mall on a weekday afternoon. I believe they had to visit Santa twice to get Benji acclimated to Santa once again. I'm quite pleased with the final outcome.

Libellés : ,

oh so lovingly written byKimberly |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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