I prefer dinner ones, but whatever.

Since on Monday, Kim and I will become official Illinois residents, we will have to disgard our really quite wonderful Virginia personalized plates. Mine was "K76" -- a combination that was only supposed to be given out to friends of the governor -- and Kim's was the appropriate "FAIRLDY." Neither of those is available, so we're looking for a few ideas.

The requirements: It has to have 1 to 5 letters followed by 1 or 2 numbers, or it has to have 6 letters followed by 1 number. There has to be a space between the letters and numbers. If it is awesome enough for us to be willing to spend $50 more on it, it could also be 1-7 letters by their lonesome, or up to the number 999 by its lonesome. I assume most of the small awesome combinations are taken (like license plate "Z" or "8") but you can always try them out if you'd like.

Unlike Virginia, which has a small initial fee and medium-sized annual fees, Illinois has a large initial fee and small annual fees, so something I'm not going to want to change in 5 or 6 years (like "RORY ROX") would be for the best.

My favorites so far that aren't taken: "HNDBELL," "HNDBE 11," and "A PLATE." ("PLATE," "NO PLATE," "BLANK," and "MY PLATE" are all taken.) "YO HOMEY" is not taken, but, um, no. (However, "AWW YEAH" is taken.) "ZZZZZ 99" is taken.

Kim has no favorites.

Help us.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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