A museum just for Benji

Yesterday we decided to check out the local children's museum for the first time. We pretty much let Benji lead us through the museum, picking out what interested him and wandering from one exhibit to the next. The exhibit that excited him the most was of a fake Ukrop's grocery store with a giant banana outside. We were halfway across the museum when he took off running (he spends most of his time running after something we don't yet see, like a far off water fountain). He ended up at the banana and proudly announced "nana!"

We had been trying for a while to practice banana and occasionally would get a "nana" response but I wasn't really convinced it was more than an accident or just mimicry. It turns out Benji really does know banana! Tonight I brought a banana home from work and I was holding it when I hugged him. He wasn't so interested in the hug, but again clearly stated "nana" with no prompting or special attention to the banana. Earlier today he had a banana for lunch and Daddy kept asking him "What's this?" but he refused to answer; instead he "asked" Mommy for her banana. Apparently Benji knows more words than we think he does but only uses them to his advantage or whim.


Such a healthy shopper! He happily picks out produce like pears and tomatoes.

Benji currently loves playing in the sink at home so it's no wonder we spent a long time at the water exhibit.

What a fun place to climb! He liked climbing up and down the giant tongue, but had no interest whatsoever in going further into the digestive tract; I think that's probably for the best.

Libellés :

oh so lovingly written byKimberly |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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