Kids do the darndest things

Every day we learn more about what Benji knows and understands. Today alone we learned:

Benji knows he needs a coat to go out, even without prompting. The weather was very nice today (almost 70) so I hadn't planned on having Benji wear a jacket. After I put his shoes on I expected him to go straight to the door. Instead he wandered off into our bedroom. He emerged carrying one of his coats and proudly handed it to me. I didn't even know that coat was in our bedroom!

Benji knows that dogs bark. We were walking to our car after dinner and we heard a dog barking in someone's apartment but couldn't see the dog. Benji heard it, too, and turned toward the barks. And then he said something like "daw" or "dah." It was hard to hear quite the articulation, but the intention was clear and he repeated it several times while looking for the dog.

Benji can be strong and industrious when he wants something. I was in the bathroom when he decided he wanted to wash his hands at the sink. I couldn't get to him immediately to give him a boost so he went over to the small plastic stool we have in the bathroom and figured out how to carry it across the whole room to the sink.

Benji can walk on tiptoes and stand on one foot briefly. As he's gotten taller he's figured out that he can reach so many things on tiptoes. Today for some unknown reason he walked around the kitchen on tiptoes. And when I was getting him undressed for his bath he stood on one foot (not holding on to me or the tub, which I really would have preferred) for me to take off his sock.

Benji can drive his ride-on car forwards. He didn't make it very far before he decided to get off, but this was the first time I saw him go any direction other than backwards without help.

oh so lovingly written byKimberly |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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