A hint of summer

For those of you covered in snow this weekend, here's a bit of summer reminiscing. Way back in August we took Benjamin to his first major league baseball game. (This was not his first baseball game since we had taken him to the Richmond Braves in the spring.) Of course Matthew chose a Blue Jays game for this momentous occasion, but unfortunately they lost to the Orioles. Regardless, Benji had a great time, cheering for the team, people watching, and taking a nice nap on Mommy. And doesn't he look great in his baseball outfit?

Can we see Daddy's influence already?

Hi Mommy! I'm ready for this game to start.

Hmmm... Let's see what the scoreboard says.

Is that ball coming towards us?

Instead of stretching with everyone else, I think I'll check out Daddy's teeth.

Boy, cheering on those Blue Jays is hard work.

I'm ready to go again. And now I get my own seat!

As long as I'm in Baltimore, I should check out the Inner Harbor.

oh so lovingly written byKimberly |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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