You, too, can be just like Lisa -- without even leaving your home! (Or, y'know, with leaving your home; I don't really care.)
The moment you have all been waiting for: The fine folks at Jeffers Handbell Supply have just today put up the GIA catalog recording of "Cumulonimbus" -- performed in (I think) February by Chicago Bronze, the same group Lisa saw. (Click on the handbell with the Windows logo.) Slight caveat: As is true of most handbell catalog recordings, the most difficult pieces -- like "Cumulonimbus" -- are always a little rough, since one group is learning 20 pieces with not nearly enough practice; in this case, the entire piece after the four-bar intro should have a consistant quarter note, and instead the tempo is more dictated by the difficulty of the particular passage. Still, though, for a catalog recording it's quite good, so listen.
i sincerely do not know what you are doing here. are you lost? were you
looking for your delicate calico cat, and did you follow her up two flights of stairs
to this room? she is not here. she was here, yes. we gave her a warm bowl of milk, we talked with her about campaign finance reform for a time, and then she bid us good day. i believe she was
going to the post office two blocks down, but i don't quite recall.
for surely you did
not find your way from prinsiana, the least traveled site on
the internet. if you did, though, perhaps you are looking for humor. perhaps you are looking for profundity. perhaps you are looking for answers.
i'm sorry, but you shall go naught-for-three.