Benjamin Dale Prins.

Born 1:43p yesterday (Tuesday) at 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 20½ inches. Baby got a one-minute 9 of 10 on the Apgar scale, which is pretty unheard of 60 seconds into life. (Unheard of in a good way, I should clarifty; his only demerits were for slightly blue feet.) At five minutes old, he was a perfect 10. Baby is doing very well. Mommy still has some residual pain from birth -- not a surprise -- but otherwise she's recovering nicely.

Pictures and video will be available here probably Friday or sometime this weekend. There may be a picture up here Thursday or Friday; use code 063-71519 to take a look at him.

Much more later, of course.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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