Our electronic baby scrapbook grows

We just got a bunch of photos from my parents in Saturday's mail, so it's time for an addendum to the baby shower scrapbook.

Before all the present opening, we had snacks and punch and good conversation. I just love seeing all the presents spread out -- such cute wrapping paper and gift bags!

I almost don't look pregnant in this photo. And there's one of our blog commenters, Lisa.

It's the trick cake again, right as I'm "destroying" the center.

Nice to see old friends. I still can't believe Lisa drove across the country for the occasion. How special that makes me feel!

I just love all the little outfits! They look so tiny and precious. (And then I think about childbirth and suddenly the outfits look way too big.)

Again, my parents are trying to keep baby nice and warm. I think not knowing baby's gender is driving everyone else crazier than it's driving us since we received two identical snow suits -- one pink and one blue. Mom and Dad covered all bases.

Doesn't Matthew look cute with the little baby outfit? That's one of the sleepers from moM and daD, and I think you can see the books from them on the stool. The baby sleepers look so soft and cozy that I wish I could have outfits like that!

oh so lovingly written byKimberly |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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