An earnest question from which I expect a serious answer.

Should toilet paper be strung overhand or underhand?

Ha ha! That is not the question, because everyone of above-average intelligence knows the correct answer. No, no, this is the product of my sleeplessness last night, when I decided to take a look at some of my older and abandoned handbell pieces that I hadn't seen at in ages. Shockingly, some of them were pretty not-so-bad, and some of the unfinished ones were (at least the parts I had completed) as good as any of my finished works. And looking at some of my other in-progress works, I have at least a half-dozen total compositions and arrangements that I could put in publishable form with a few hours of work (some which I am listing now for my own reference more than anything):

  • "Jesus Went Unto Them, Walking on the Sea" (original piece; pretty much done)
  • "The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns"
  • "Ordinary Time Ordinariness" (with a new title and new C section)
  • "The World in Solemn Stillness Lay" (progressive arrangement of "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear")
  • "And They Found the Stone Rolled Away from the Sepulchre" (progressive arrangement of "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear")
So here is my question: With the limited time that I have to work on musical projects in the days before Baby Augustine1 comes (and who knows how much after that), I can either focus on furthering my handbell career with working on those pieces, or I can work on entering contests that I may not win (but if I do, oh boy!) or I can try some combination of the two that may work but will probably give both the short end of the stick. So. Pick.

1 Make any presumptions about neither the gender nor the name of our upcoming child based on this post. Kim and I have simply been trying out different names as of late for the fun of it.

oh so lovingly written by Matthew |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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