
I had a job interview yesterday (which went quite well, I thought) with a Episcopal church to be their administrator. I mention this primarily to relay this question I was asked: "So, Matthew, I see that you're a film critic. What did you think of The Passion of the Christ?" (They seemed pleased enough with my not-completely-positive answer, or at least with my defense of it.)

This is the third interview I've had at a church during my on-and-off searching for a different job, and it's always a little odd for me to not know where the congregation I'm interviewing with falls in the fundamentalist-to-Unitarian spectrum. (There are conservative churches in liberal denominations and, although more rarely, vice-versa.) In this case, though, I had a pretty good idea that this congregation was conservative-to-moderate (as I am), just because no ultraliberal church (and certainly some Episcopal churches are) would have this on their marquee: "BE AN ORGAN DONOR -- GIVE YOUR HEART TO JESUS." (That's one of the better of those pithy one-liners, I must admit.)

Also, one of the interviewers mentioned offhandedly that some of other candidates they'd interviewed didn't know what a liturgical year was. Um.

Weather permitting, this is what we are doing tonight.

And you thought Richmonders couldn't handle an inch of snow.

Ed, thank you for your offer of scanning in 300-odd pages, but I have a better solution. I hope. We'll see.

I am looking for a text that is (a) religious (specifically Christian; not specifically from the Bible), (b) not copyrighted (e.g. the NRSV would be a no-go), (c) could be set to music (without necessarily being poemic), and (d) has not been set to music two million times prior.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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