Dear Self: You are procrastinating on the opening of Silhouettist Music Press: perhaps because the site isn't as perfect as you'd like it to be, perhaps because you'd like to see more music available before it's opened; perhaps because you're worried whether or not all the effort that's gone into the creation of the company (and about $200 in costs, which, yes, is on the pretty low side for starting a company, but still) is going to pay off; perhaps because procrastination is a skill you've learned very well and by practicing it you help to ensure you don't forget how to do it.
Well. No more. You are going to send out an e-mail today during a lateish (1:30 Eastern) lunch to the 20 or so people who requested your arrangement of Joplin's "Bethena" off the Handbell-L last month, and in that e-mail you are going to introduce them to Silhouettist Music Press. Tomorrow, after you have an audio sample of your new bell tree solo online, you are going to send an e-mail to the 30 or so people who requested your bell tree solo "Bluebirds' Autumn Flight" off the -L a few months ago, and in that e-mail you are going to introduce them to Silhouettist Music Press. Friday, you will be either very happy, or very sad, or somewhere in between.
But, sir, practically by definition, on any given day wouldn't I be very happy, or very sad, or somewhere...
Quiet, you! Now go tell all the people who read your weblog to look at your commerical website one last time for any stupid mistakes you might have made, stupid.
i sincerely do not know what you are doing here. are you lost? were you
looking for your delicate calico cat, and did you follow her up two flights of stairs
to this room? she is not here. she was here, yes. we gave her a warm bowl of milk, we talked with her about campaign finance reform for a time, and then she bid us good day. i believe she was
going to the post office two blocks down, but i don't quite recall.
for surely you did
not find your way from prinsiana, the least traveled site on
the internet. if you did, though, perhaps you are looking for humor. perhaps you are looking for profundity. perhaps you are looking for answers.
i'm sorry, but you shall go naught-for-three.