After the approval of my composer application for ASCAP, which I'll work on later today, it makes financial sense for me to also fill out a publisher application, since (a) it doesn't cost anything and (b) as the ASCAP website tells me, "If the work is unpublished, any royalties attributable to performances will not be distributed," and besides (c) it allows me to come up with a calm, professional title for my publishing company, such as "This Song Is Awful Publishing" or "Uuuugggghhhh Music" or "Michael Jackson Publishing." So. You have a couple weeks to help me come up with a name, not to exceed 35 characters including spaces.
i sincerely do not know what you are doing here. are you lost? were you
looking for your delicate calico cat, and did you follow her up two flights of stairs
to this room? she is not here. she was here, yes. we gave her a warm bowl of milk, we talked with her about campaign finance reform for a time, and then she bid us good day. i believe she was
going to the post office two blocks down, but i don't quite recall.
for surely you did
not find your way from prinsiana, the least traveled site on
the internet. if you did, though, perhaps you are looking for humor. perhaps you are looking for profundity. perhaps you are looking for answers.
i'm sorry, but you shall go naught-for-three.