Blah blah blah handbells handbells handbells.

So what I have heard, both through the grapevine and through more public means, is that there will be publishers at the AGEHR par-TAY next month looking to print music from young, talented composers. And despite that I'm only the former of those two adjectives, it seems prudent to still bring a diversity of music to the conference for men and women with buying power to peruse.

My thought is to bring in the neighborhood of 10 pieces, including:

  • "The Upper Youghiogheny" (completed, full choir, 3-5 octaves, level 4- or so)
  • "An April Frost" (completed, a rescored sextet version, 3 octaves)
  • "Bluebirds' Autumn Flight" or "Psalm 148" (completed, bell tree and piano duet, 3 octaves)
  • "Breathe on Me, Breath of God" (completed, full choir, 3-to-5 octaves, level 1)
  • "Meditation on 'There Is a Balm in Gilead'" (about 20 percent finished, full choir, 4-to-5 octaves, level 3)
  • "Bethena" (Scott Joplin) (about 80 percent finished, quartet, 3-to-4 octaves)
  • "42º19' S, 121º53' W" or "The Americanization of Toyko" or some other title to come (0 percent finished, full choir, 5-to-7 octaves, level 5 or 6)
  • a rewriting (and retitling) of "Ordinary Time Ordinariness" (60 percent finished, full choir, 5-to-7 octaves, level 3)
(All "full choir" means above is that it's meant for the normal distribution of bell ringers, i.e. one person for every two white notes.) To use the vernacular of stock brokers, is my portfolio diversified enough? Are there a couple pieces I could add that would show that I have the range of Kobe? (Please compare/contrast with the range of Shaq.)

oh so lovingly written by Matthew |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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