I left my heart in San Francisco

It's been over three months since our Valentine's trip to San Francisco and I still can't stop thinking about it. It was such an amazing surprise from Matthew! And the fact that we just got our photos developed last week means that I can now share with all of you.

Saturday (Valentine's Day) was a very rare sunny day in San Francisco. We crammed in all kinds of requisite tourist stops, including the wharf, the cable cars, Chinatown, and the Golden Gate Bridge. And yet, maybe because it was February, it didn't feel overly touristy crowded. For lunch we went against Valentine's Day logic and went to a restaurant called the "Stinking Rose" -- dedicated entirely to garlic. Matthew found it when he was researching the surprise trip and, hey, since we both had garlic breath what's the difference.

Here's our required "pose in front of Golden Gate Bridge" photos. Actually pretty good photos:

Sunday was a much less pretty day, but still a great vacation day. Grey, overcast, and drizzly. Thankfully we had already visited the bridge, since it was kind of hard to even find the bridge or see across the bay on Sunday. We spent a lot of Sunday on the water, with a ferry ride to Sausalito just across the bay and later a bay cruise. I expected to find an artist colony at Sausalito, but apparently high rent has forced the artists out of town. Instead we watched the little crabs run along the rocky coastline. How I can love fish and crabs as pets and yet still adore seafood for my meals is beyond me, but I can assure you there is no vegetarianism in my future.

On Monday the weather went even further downhill than Sunday. It poured much of the day. We went up to wine country, but some of the roads were washing out and we only visited one winery. We tried to make the best and avoid the rain by going to the food and wine museum up there, which had been well reviewed. Just goes to show you can't always trust guidebooks. Definitely not recommended. No photos of the very wet day were taken, but wine was brought home and Kim was a little tipsy.

So, where will Matthew be taking us for our anniversary? Hmm....

oh so lovingly written byKimberly |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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