Your birthday present to me, unless you are moM or daD, in which case you have already given me a very cool loud shirt.

If I am serious about making handbell composition a career, or at least a semi-career, I need to write pieces other than the "An April Frost"s of the world -- y'know, pieces that people might actually wish to purchase. Specifically, it was mentioned in the article that started this newfound passion of mine that there is a dearth of level 1 music in three-to-five-octave range, so I am thinking to myself, "Self, I need to compose some level 1 music in the three-to-five-octave range."

The two rules you need to know for level 1 music:

a) No accidentals (unless they're in the key signature).
b) No notes quicker than a quarter note1.

Idea me, please.

Two words that Microsoft's spell-checker believes "puchase" should be, as opposed to "purchase."

"Pushers." "Pooches."

1 I can fake around parts of (b): There's a dotted quarter/eighth rhythm in parts of "Fairest Lord Jesus" that I could work around with two quarters, for example.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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