What? Films?

As all of you had better recall, last year I made some films: these two and then another named "S.C." that the Internet Movie Database won't recognize, thank you kindly. This year, I have made zero. I will not stand for it.

So I have this film kinda in mind, based on the fact that I now have two wireless mics (thank you, Edward and Annie), but a crappy tripod). And if you help flesh out this idea, you will be in the credits of the film as "Idea Dude" or "Helper Person" or "Director." This is the idea for one scene: Park bench is prominent in foreground. In background, we see/hear two people talking and walking toward the bench. One of them says, "Hey, do you mind if we sit down on the bench." And person two points to the bench in the foreground and says, "This bench?" And person one says, "Um, hmm, actually, how about that bench over there? So they walk off camera, continuing to talk, while the camera remains on the unsat bench. They talk for a bit longer, and then...cut, to another scene where somehow the expectations of what you should be seeing on-screen are subverted in a similar manner. I may call it "Forced Perspective."

The problems: (a) I only have a couple other ideas for scenes, and I (b) wonder if it will get old quickly, and (c) I need someway to link it together, thematically -- through the discussion the couple has, perhaps? -- lest (d) it become a one-joke film that gets old fast. Also, I need (e) an actress and (f) an actor and (g) talent. And (h) time, as always.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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