Fun with units of 5280.

To help you decide for us whether or not we should purchase this house, here are some mileage distances and driving times (courtesy of Yahoo! Maps) to important locations that we are likely going to want to drive to at some point because we already do for most of them.

  • Our church: 9.4 miles/17 minutes. (My earlier wild guess of 25 minutes seems to be a bit high, but I must admit that 17 sounds low.)
  • My work: 5.3 miles/10 minutes.
  • Kim's work in about a month: Yahoo! Maps does not believe there is a road that runs to Kim's future work, even though the buildings have been done for a year.
  • Closest disc golf course: 6.4 miles/11 minutes.
  • Other disc golf course I sometimes play that is far away no matter where we would live: 23.9 miles/37 minutes.
  • Depending on the grade level either the first-most or second-most expensive private school in the Richmond area which starts at $11,200 for kindergarten students which is just the taddest bit expensive for kindergarten students if you ask me: 1.7 miles/3 minutes ('though as the crow flies, it's only about a half-mile).
  • Hip, new Richmond-area mall number one: 3.1 miles/6 minutes.
  • Hip, new Richmond-area mall number two: 8.9 miles/17 minutes.
  • Shopping center with the world's greatest Arby's, the nearest Super Wal-Mart, and a 14-screen movie theater: 3.5 miles/6 minutes.
  • Seattle Space Needle: 2874.3 miles/2653 minutes.
Just giving you the information you need to make this decision for us so that we do not have to.

oh so lovingly written by Matthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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