I have an excuse, you know.

I have been spending my lunches this week in the neverending house search. I should have been spending them with you.

To continue that thought:
No, we have no idea what house we will be buying.

Dear people with video cameras:
As "[sic]" is temporarily on hold until probably early next month, I am instead working on a film (with me as sole actor, likely) that is a cross between "Rock Island" from The Music Man and Samuel Beckett's play "Play." I need some (preferably surrealish) footage of some of the following:

* Trees
* More trees
* Orange juice in cups
* Orange juice being poured
* Toes
* Window coverings
* Disc golf
* Trees being hit by discs
* Flickering lights
* Fish
* Manoqukins (sic)
* Maquotata (sic)
* Lettace (sic)

If you would like to shoot any of this footage, I may permit you to.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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