Strange contest idea.

Okay. This may be a bit weird, but hang in with me. I am thinking of a place. A very specific place, such as, "In the Eddie Bauer in the Mall of America." (I do not know if there is an Eddie Bauer in the Mall of America, but that is the picture you should be getting.) You are to guess that specific place. There are 7 points available, one point for each step along the way where you get closer and closer to the right answer. For example, point one for the above could be "North America." And point two could be "the United States." In the example, if you were to guess "Alaska," and no one yet had guessed either "North America" or "the United States," then you would get two points because Alaska is within blah blah blah. So your guesses should be as specific as possible.

This will all make more sense as we play it than it does right now.

I will give a clue every day at 5:00P. Each person gets one guess between 5:00P and the next 5:00P unless their answer got them points, in which case they could guess again. I am going to give you the bonus clue that this place is on the Earth, slightly above the Earth, or slightly below the Earth. Okay, then.

Clue number one: 1260.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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