Wait, did I not move to Virginia to escape winter?

Apparently not. Ugh. I think I would have preferred Washington, D.C.'s 12 inches of snow to this however many inches of ice we got instead. I do not know how I will get my car down the driveway tomorrow morning (we didn't ever try until about 4:00 today). Oh dearie me.

The list.

What else I need for my movie right now is what is listed below. All pictures must be at least 350 in height or at least 450 in width. I am black-and-whiting them all eventually, so they may be colorless.

Covers of books about teenagers and sex (as in, the covers reference both teenagers and sex)
A circular picture of the earth
A circular picture of some other planet
Sheet music for our national anthem (PDF file also acceptable -- actually, probably preferred)
Picture of a box of feminine napkins -- from the '70s, if possible
Picture of John C. Reilly
Two pictures of thin Renée Zellweger
One picture of less-thin Bridget Jones Renée

That should be almost everything I need, Internet-searchable-picture-wise.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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