
This is really more for me than for you; I'm just trying to get my bearings on where I am on this project:

1) E.'s Family Friend, Johnny Benson: Mv. Prins (first half audio edited; second half not)
2) E.'s Younger Sister, Marie Forest: K. Prins (recording either today or tomorrow)
3) E.'s Older Sister, Samantha Clark: S. Prins (recieved; not yet edited)
4a) E.'s Piano Student, Amelia White: D. Gray (recording Monday [unless she tells me otherwise])
4b) E's Piano Student, Ken Johnson: P. Smith (recording Monday)
5) E.'s Church Friend, Jeffrey Winthrop: A. Klages (audio completely edited and done)
6) E.'s Friend, Mindy Carter: I dunno; maybe M. H-M., maybe someone at Monday choir (written)
7) E.'s Young Friend, Janet Madison: L. Newman (re-recording next Thursday)
8) E.'s Sunday School Student, Monique O'Connell: K. Marrefi (re-recording next Thursday)
9) E.'s Sunday School Student, Tom Myers: Jo[h]n, perhaps (if so, recording Monday; only part not yet written)
10) E.'s Boss, David Benedict: S. Griffin (recording and sending this weekend)
11) E.'s Friend, Chris Samuels: Mt. Prins, apparently (recording early next week)
12) E.'s Daughter, Gretchen Clark: some girl about 17 -- J. Newman? The unwilling E. Neptune? Someone at Monday choir?

I'm relatively happy with where I am thus far, I think. I'll know better Tuesday morning how this is all going.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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