80 percent.

That is the new chance that I will be able to finish this movie by Sunday night. If all goes well, after tonight I will have recorded all 12 parts and I'll have probably less than ten hours of work left on the film:

1) The end credits. (This is just eight or nine black 720x480 gif files with words in them. Not very difficult, and I can do part of it at lunch tomorrow at work.) One hour.
2) Editing the music. (The major problem: Trying to get the length of the music to line up with the segment lengths [except the overlap between Kim's and moM's]; I may not even try.) Two hours.
3) Inserting Von and Pablo's part, and inserting Jo[h]n's part, and black-and-whiting the parts, and designing their little introduction thingies. (As long as I can use an entire take from each, not that difficult; the introductions will take me five minutes each, tops.) One-and-a-half hours.
4) The final two seconds before the end credits. (This will be...interesting.) One-and-a-half hours.
5) Sticking in all these graphic files that I asked for, and recording two or three more video bits tonight and on my way home from running tomorrow and sticking those in. Two hours.
6) Lining everything up again after inserting the two new parts (and editing down some of the others a bit): Half-an-hour.
7) Rejigging the audio levels after watching the first draft of the entire movie. Half-an-hour.

That's nine hours or so as I see it, and I hope hope hope that I can get it all done on Saturday so I can spend Sunday morning worrying about the solo I'm singing at church rather than my movie. Oh. Have I mentioned that I am singing a solo at church on Sunday? Ugh. This is not something I am looking forward to.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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