So I am back, alas.

And I was watching Andy Rooney on "60 Minutes" last night for the first time in years, and he did this stupid thing where he spent two or three sentences talking about stupid things that he found in the newspaper, and then I thought, "Hey, isn't that the same stupid omnibus thing I do every week? And isn't my stupid omnibus thing just as stupid as Andy Rooney's stupid thing?" And then I thought, "No, because I am young, and Mr. Rooney is old, and so I still have my wit." And then I thought, "Okay, let's not think about what I just thought too closely, because then I would realize how stupid it was, even stupider than what Andy was." And then I started thinking about corn bread.

But I am not going to write an omnibus post today. All topic changes will have unambiguous transitions. Speaking of transitions, when I was driving to Circuit City for work this afternoon, I was held captive on four-lane Cox Road for two minutes by a geese collective crossing the road. They were very slow.

Speaking of slow, I have been told by one of this journal's readers that he or she does not find the journal as interesting as he or she used to, and that he or she would like me to post more about topics that she does very not much enjoy, like football and television. So I will change, for her. Or him.

Speaking of football, if Miami loses, and if Georgia loses, and if Miami gets ranked number three in both polls, between Iowa and Southern Cal, it is possible, if perhaps unlikely, that Iowa will go to the Fiesta Bowl, which will be played on television.

Speaking of television, I was mostly impressed with the two episodes of "Gilmore Girls" that Ed, Beth-Annie and Kalista brought on their Virginia sojourn, although I'm just not sure about that daughter as an actor, but hey even "The West Wing" had stupid Rob Lowe and "The Simpsons" has Ralph.

Speaking of Ralph, Ed and I decided that were are writing code to switch over the comments to his server, which means the page should load up gobsly faster.

Speaking of faster, quiz tomorrow. And points will be updated prior.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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