
Sunday, I had to attend two back-to-back masses due to the stupid scheduling of my bell choir director1. During the second mass, my mind started wondering, wondering, wondering, and strange musings occurred to me. As may not surprise you, I will share some of those thoughts with my readers nowish:

1) What was the rationalization of the non-Catholic Church to Biblically snip out Tobit, Judith, the Maccabees twins, Wisdom, Sirach, and Burach? Even prior to my semi-Catholic leanings of late, it was strange to me that part of the Reformation was to ditch books of the Christian Bible that had been set in stone for about the last millennium. So I will be, ugh, proactive: Starting sometime, I will be writing reviews of the six bonus Catholic books of the Bible, and I will decide for all non-Mary-obsessed2 Christianity which of those books should be allowed back in, and which ones shall remain unclean, unclean! (Also I will be removing Numbers because Numbers is as boring as a boring machine could make something.)

2) I tried to remember the lyrics to dcTalk's newjack-swing ditty "That Kind of Girl," because it quotes almost directly from the Old Testament passage of the day. "Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain / But a woman who fears the Lord, she ain't playin'."

3) Which lead me to remembering when I was working on book report (while driving down Lincoln Way) with a friend/acquaintance/whatever3 of mine on The Awakening, which is all about sex as I recall, and at this point in my academic career I was beginning every paper I wrote (regardless of topic) with a quote from a song, and so she asked me, "So, Matthew, what song could we use to start our presentation," and there was a pause, and then at the same time we both yelled "I Don't Want It!", a dcTalk's pro-chastity screed off the same album as "That Kind of Girl." That was pretty awesome.4 (Interestingly, she was also the one of the girls here, although not number 7 [since Kalista and Ed and Beth-Annie now know who that is.])

4) A story I can't tell because of, well, I can't really explain why, but Ed, remember when you were asking me if this certain female that I know5 has a crush on me, and I said, "No, I don't think so"? Yeah. I might have been wrong about that, maybe, I now think.

5) I also thought about contest ideas, but I didn't do well. I'll come up with something by 5:00, however.

6) Trying to figure out how the bell choir can play Christmas Eve without Kim and me.

7) Deciding if I should leave during church to blow my nose or to wait until the end and hope that snot doesn't start running down my moustache skin into my mouth. (I left.)

That's it, mostly.

1 Y'all get the joke there, right? I need not explain it, no? Wonderful.

2 I'm sorry; I just had to come up with another synonym for Protestant.

3 This is something I need to write about a length some time, but in short: I have difficulty drawing the line between a close acquaintanceship6 and a relatively distant friendship. I mean, how do you know? I'm serious: Obviously, there are certain people and certain relationships that are easily defined, but am I the only one who has this sort of categorization problem? Yes. Yes I am.

4 Um, sure, that was awesome, but have I already told that story before on this journal? I think I have.

5 To be very clear, it is not anyone who has ever posted here or has (to my knowledge) ever read this journal, but people who read this know her, so I'm going to shut up now.

6 "Acquaintanceship" is an actual word, Microsoft Word's spell checker has told me. Huh.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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