I bow to the power of the e-mail list.

Interesting fact: While I receive a fair amount of personal e-mail, and while I receive a goodly amount of work-related e-mail, and while I receive 350 pounds of junk e-mail per week, I do not often receive those hi-my-name-is-Suzanne-I-barely-know-you-but-I was-told-to-pass-this-e-mail-on-to-780-of-my-closest-friends-or-else-bad-things-would-happen-to-me-and-you-were-number-783-but-I-thought-heck-why-not-be-safe e-mails, or e-mail greeting cards, or virus warnings from friends, or basically any forwarded message.

So. This afternoon, Kalista (whose website I would list on the right-hand side of my page if she would ever, ever visit and post a comment -- in fact, two points for Kalista if she posts a comment to this message) sent me a forwarded message that claims to be about personal preferences but in fact is an evil plot hatched by Lamar! to gather e-mail addresses to promote his 2012 run for the presidency. Kaly did not know that when she forwarded the message, no doubt, so I forgive her.

I say this all because I do not have an idea what I should write about today, and I think these types of quizzes are pretty spurious regarding getting to know someone, but whatever. I need to write something, so this shall be what is written.

1. What time do you wake up in the morning?
On weekdays, 7:30A if I'm taking a shower, and 7:55A if I'm not. Weekends, um, the same. Yeah. Uh huh. Of course.

2. If you could have lunch with one famous person, who [sic] would it be?
My word. I'm tempted to say Charles Nelson Reilly. So I will. Although actually probably Mike Leigh.

3. Gold or silver?
Silver-plated gold.

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
The Dardenne Brothers' unreleased The Son.

5. Favorite TV shows?
"The West Wing," "King of the Hill," Errol Morris' "First Person" (even if I've only seen three episodes), Gene Cox on the NBC 12 news (now that Juan Conde on Channel 8 is semi-respectable).

6. What do you have for breakfast?
Nothing on weekdays, a cinnamon crunch bagel with honey walnut cream cheese from Panera Bread on Saturdays, a bacon, egg, and cheese croissantwich from Burger King on Sundays.

7. What would you hate to be left alone in a room with?
A room-sized balloon.

8. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
People can?

9. What inspires you?
Boredom, actually; perhaps "inspire" is the wrong word, but it does get me to do things.

10. What's your middle name?
Dawn. No, Dale.

11. Beach, city or country?
City, generally. Certainly not beach.

13. Favorite ice cream?
Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Truffle.

14. Buttered, plain, or salted popcorn?
If I may choose only one, salted.

15. Favorite color?
A near-black maroon.

16. Favorite car?
One that can drive down stairs.

17. Favorite sandwich filling?
A half-pound hamburger with Muenster cheese.

18. True love?
I guess. No, NO, Kim, put that frying pan DOWN!

19. What characteristics do you despise?
People who do not realize how uninteresting their conversation is to me, and those who do realize how uninteresting their conversation is to me but continue to verbalize their uninterestingness.

20. Favorite flower?
Crocus chrysanthus.

21. If you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people?
I would rather no one know other than Kim and close family, actually.

22. Fizzy or still water as a drink?
Plain carbonated water is grosser than coffee.

23. What color is your bathroom?
Off-white except for the bathtub which is a different shade of off-white.

24. How many keys on your key ring?
Six: Key to the Honda, two keys to the Camero, key to the church, key to the front door of the house, key to the back door of the house.

25. Where would you retire?
A condo in London. No, wait, that's Kim.

26. Can you juggle? If so how many?
[At some point, I will insert a Rebecca Pidgeon quote from The Spanish Prisoner that says it all.]

27. Favorite day of the week?
Saturday for obvious reasons.

28. Red or white wine?
Neither: I prefer high residual sugar dessert wines.

29. What did you do for your last birthday?
I went here.

30. Do you carry a donor card?
On my driver's license, yes.

31. Who do you least expect to send this back to you?
Charles Nelson Reilly, although...

32. Who is the person you expect to send this back first?
...I'm not really sending it now, though, am I?

33. What do you want for Christmas?
Asked and answered.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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