Points, points, points, points, and did I say points? Oh, I see that I did. Four times prior, in fact. My word; how could I not notice that sooner?

Point opportunity for math freaks.
Please explain in one concise paragraph what is wrong about this statistical logic. One point for the first correct answer.

Point opportunities no one figured out.
1) The points on the right side of the page remind me of the updating of scores at sectional wrestling meets at Iowa Falls.
2) The first twenty-six non-numeric dropcaps I used when I started using dropcaps were twenty-six different letters. And no one got that?

Point opportunities that will end likely today or tomorrow.
Supposedly, my Sixpence single was shipped Wednesday, so it looks like I may very well win this contest with my guess of today. Yay me. And if it comes today, I also get $100 for getting the date right on the nose.1

Point opportunity for those not easily perplexed.
One point to the best explanation of the relative bowl statuses projected for Iowa State and Oklahoma, respectively, on the usually reliable (although now not free) CollegeBCS.com. (No points for the best explanation of Iowa's bowl status, which I half-expect to happen.)

Point opportunity for people who have time to use Google.
One point to anyone who can debunk this seeming urban legend printed in a respectable enough newspaper.

Point opportunity for high-school students.
Jo[h]n asked me to have a special 5-point quiz for the less-than-half-dozen high-school students who read this journal. I won't do that, but I will give them this one-point question: What is the Magna Carta, and how does it relate to our Constitution's Bill of Rights?

Point opportunity for middle-school students.
One-point question: What are photosynthesis and chlorophyll?

Point opportunity for grade-school students.
One-point question: If Johnny has two apples, and Molly has 8 apples, and Jeff has three apples, how many more apples does Molly have than Johnny and Jeff combined?

Point opportunity for preschool students.
One-point question: If Johnny has two apples, how many apples does Johnny have?

Point opportunity for babies.
Goo-point goo ga: Goo goo ga goo go gaa Johnny, goo goo ga ga [burp]?

Point opportunity for Janice Smith.
One-point question: How did you find this page, considering that I do not know any Janice Smiths and just now came up with the name randomly?

1 One point for naming that pop culture reference.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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