Christmas present ideas for me.

People (okay, Kim) have been querying, so:

* Dave Eggers' You Shall Know Our Velocity.
* The Best American Nonrequired Reading.
* A subscription to the Atlantic Monthly.
* Time Out on Canadian DVD.
* The Wind Will Carry Us, Leila, After Life, Memento, A.I., or In the Mood for Love on new or used DVD.
* Mike Leigh's Bleak Moments, Grown-Ups, Home Sweet Home, Hard Labour, Four Days in July, or Who's Who on new or used VHS.
* Either of the $100ish EricRohmer collections or the $150 Beckett on Film collection.
* A device so that my upstairs analog TV with coaxial inputs can take in the digitalicity of a DVD player.
* Or just a new digital-ready TV for upstairs. Whatever.
* And if you're going to get me one of those, you might as well get me the DVD player, too. Okay? Okay.
* Underwear, preferably boxer-briefs in dark variations of primary and secondary colors.
* Lemon-Lime All Sport.
* A director's baton.
* The top-left movie poster on this page, or the top-right movie poster on this page, or either of the two left-most pictures in the top row on this page, or...well, just about any Polish movie poster. Polish movie posters would be my heroes if they were people instead of sheets of paper.
* The Canon XL1 or, if you do not love me enough, you may cheap out and only get me the Canon ZR40.
* The Anaheim Angels.
* A Toronto Blue Jays Cap. Or Medicine Hat Blue Jays.
* A pasta machine, of course preferably electric.
* This handbell notation font.
* A cure for materialism.

Surrealist of the week: Robert Flores, the man who killed three nursing professors at the University of Arizona before killing himself; specifically, the term-paper-esque cover page of his 22-page letter sent to the local newspaper. The entire letter is an odd but captivating read, in fact.

8 Women (François Ozon), C+
In six words: Clue as musical French sex farce. I appreciate Ozon’s subversion of the Agatha Christie genre without terribly liking it: The monotony of the unvarying plot points and constant “shocking” personal revelations is meant as satiric -- a commentary on the harm of unfettered truth -- but that doesn’t mean it’s pleasurable to watch the repetitive deconstruction. Unexpected ending works thematically but not as emotional apex, as was intended; Ozon obviously wants us to feel some compassion for the character at the center of the scene, but given the disclosures regarding the character in the previous 100 minutes, we can’t. Musical numbers lovely in an amateur Everyone Says I Love You manner.

Because of the comments problem, I may delay the contest once again. Check here around 5:00P for more details.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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