It's...omnibus Friday!

Really, I've already done this once this week with the "secrets," but can one truly get enough omnibusness? I do not believe that one truly can. Oh, and I'll work up a cool logo for next week, maybe, perhaps.

I never did tell y'all what Kim and I did for Labor Day weekend, did I? We went on a historical amusement park adventure! You don't want to hear the gory details, but I will say that (a) there is a certain fear in being in a ride where they need to balance the sides to ensure (presumably) that the ride will not tip over and splat the paying customers; (b) I get dizzy too easily; (c) roller-coasters in pitch-blackness are freaky, especially when the cars turn randomly; (d) Pittsburgh is not that exciting of a town; (e) Tennessee's Civil War Memorial:Gettysburg::the Arthur Ashe Statue:Richmond's Monument Avenue; and (f) yes, everything on the East Coast does seem to be within six hours of Richmond.

See Possession. Any movie that both Kim and I like can't be too bad, can it?

I missed the Blue Jays' weekend games in Baltimore this year. Oh well.

For those who don't read Beth-Annie's journal, here's my take on Sixpence's new song.

Aimee Mann's new album, Lost in Space, is suitably good, if perhaps not quite a Bachelor No. 2 or a Whatever; it isn’t as brazenly melodic as either one of those albums, a mistake since Mann’s strength is in her barefaced tunes. Also, I am now more sure than ever that Mann either is or was a druggie, notwithstanding the absence of the habitual Aimee-looking-zonked-out album picture. (It’s a drawing, and she looks quite normal.)

I am not attending the Toronto Film Festival right now. How dreary.

Is anyone else having trouble getting to the journal when they forget to type a "/" after the "prinsiana/journal"? I am.

I feel like Larry King right now.

I need a haircut.

Okay. This needs to stop now.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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