There will be something for you to watch, I do hope.
It is two o'clock in the morning, Eastern. My editing program is printing out the (very, very changable) final copy of the greatest short film the world has ever known, "Agnes: She Is Missing." It will run a minute and some thirty-odd seconds and will be approximately 13 MB.

The movie is strange, but very very very very very very very very profound. The world shall never be the same, now that it has been freed by my freeing wit and intellegence. Yes, mine. Mine mine mine. Oh baby.

I am a bit loopy right now, yes.

Two points to the best TV Guide synopsis of "Agnes."

Two points to the first person who identifies all the "Special Thanks" people in the credits. (By "identify," I mean tell why they are in the credits, not just type their names out.)

A quarter of a point to the best negative criticism of "Agnes."

Oh, yes. I'm going to stick it here. Try it after three o'clock or so Eastern on Tuesday morning.

Three notes from twenty minutes later:

1) Just saw it. There are still about four or five small things I want to fix (a squeak before the ending, etc.), but I like it. I really do. I don't know if I'd like it if someone else had done it, but I can't quite know that now, can I? So. What. Ever.

2) Try 16.1 MB. If people with dial-up connections want a copy, I'll send you one in the mail for free, unless you're in Richmond, in which case I will not mail it to you, sorry, but you can get a copy from me at bells, choir, whatever. You know my e-mail address, no doubt.

3) Good night. I'll no doubt be grumpy in the morning, but I'm happy now. I made a movie!

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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