It's...omnibus Friday!

With the undeniable disaster that was Choose-What-Matthew-Will-Write-About Fridays, Prinsiana City has now changed it's Friday agenda to instead include Omnibus Fridays, where Matthew writes about all those random things that he wasn't able to fit into a post earlier during the week. It shall be a cerebral decontamination.

At work on Wednesday, someone unintentionally mispronounced "satisfaction" as sah-TIF-fuh-KAY-shon. That was funny.

I now have an organizer. I need one, because I am not a very organized person. This is a good thing, I think.

I don't think I've seen or talked to anyone from the class of 1995 in Ames High School since Ed and Beth-Annie's wedding two years ago. Huh. I wonder what's up with Andrew, Farhang, Lisa, Liza, Elizabeth, Suzy, Jen, Chris, or you know, heck, Barrett, Ola, Katie, and Buffy.

Or have I? Have I seen Sarah since then, or not? I can't think of when I would have, but I think I have, you know?

Also, on a similar subject, did any of you know that I was kinda friends1 with a guy in elementary school who is now in prison for murder? Yep. We didn't have anything in common except being more-or-less outcasts -- me because I was the smartest kid in my grade at North by at least two bushels, him because he was, uh, kinda weird -- so in either fourth or fifth grade we got along relatively well; not well enough to, say, have invited him over to my house for a sleepover, or to invite him to my house at all, but pretty well, yeah.

You know what word2 I can’t pronounce? Anachronistic. I want to say it like AH-na-kro-NIS-tic, when it’s actually ah-NAK-ro-NIS-tic. I hate that.

Kim and I are doing something cool for Labor Day weekend. I’ll tell you what on Monday.

“Talk it out! Oh, oh, oh oh oh! Oh oh, oh oh! Oh, oh, oh oh oh!”

Most thought-provoking line in Tridanielson: Alpha, which I got a couple weeks ago: “Nourishment will come from the Many-Breasted One.”

Most thought-provoking line from Steve Taylor’s career: “I’m off about 100 degrees.” Seriously. I’ve spent way too many minutes thinking about that line within the context of the song, because he’s not saying that he’s off 180 degrees; he’s saying that he’s mostly wrong but yet that there’s truth in the stated heretical position.

Most thought-provoking line from The Choir’s career: “I’d rather be forgiven than enlightened.”

Most thought-provoking line from dcTalk’s career: “I saw a man with tat on his big fat belly; it wiggled around like marmalade jelly.” (No, not really, but I don’t know what it would be.)

One of the, like, 153 most thought-provoking lines from Mark Heard’s career: “We got tapes of the truth in drag.”

“This is, this is Greer.” I don’t know why I just thought of that. Man, I need to get out some dcTalk.

Uh, bye.

1 Except in obvious cases, I hate drawing the friend/acquaintance line, let me tell you. I don't know why, but I find it oft times difficult to differentiate between a weak friend and a close acquaintance3. Like, okay, for example, I'm pretty confident that everyone on the left side of my AHS thing above was my friend at one point or another in high school, and there are a few other people that would fall into that category, too. But then there's probably more than twice that number of people who, I don't know, who probably considered me a friend, and I didn't have any problem with them, per se, but I don't know, it's just so hard for me to judge4. I can't figure if (a) I draw a tough line or (b) I just don't get as close to others as, uh, others do. Probably some of both, I suppose. I am a freak that way.

2 Yeah right, Matthew, like there’s just that one.

3 By the way, you -- yes, you who are reading this now -- you are not my friend and never will be. You are merely an acquaintance. Sorry.

4 For example, and this could be interesting, even though I had a crush5 on Kimberly months before we started going out, I wouldn't have really considered us friends, per se, until maybe the week before explicit romantic overtones were made. On the other hand, I would suspect that Kim would have considered us friends before that, because it wasn't as though we weren't acquaintances for a good long time before and close acquaintances more-or-less since the beginning of that school year. But I don't know. Hmm. What was it, Kim?

5 I should mention for the completion of the record that after my 10th grade crush, there was no real crush in my life until Kim; the 10th grade crush went until the middle of 11th grade, and then I started dating Elizabeth, and then Suzy and Shelly after that, and in the interim there was never anyone else that I really had a serious thing for. (To clarify, I didn't really have a serious thing for any of the above three prior to going out with them; Kim is the only girl I've had a crush on that I've ever dated.)6

6 There is something sick when the footnotes are as long as the post.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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