Expendable...er, expandable...comments.

Assuming Ed can get the ASP or Perl working on the "server" -- we're all praying for you, dude -- I've pretty much decided what I'm going to do regarding the aesthetic treatment of my comments. If you go down to underneath the ISU football post, you'll see "3 commentaires merveilleux" in red. Click on it, and if you're lucky, the comments will expand down the page. How lovely, yes?

And then there are two choices for how to write a comment that I need to decide between:

a) Have a link that would make a new window pop up with a place to type comments.

b) Have a little form that would expand along with the comments.

I think I'm leaning toward (b), but we shall see.

I promise I will write a post sometime today, or tomorrow, or soonish, that will have nothing to do with the comment situation. (By the way, the old, French comments do [temporarily] seem to be working, so feel free to use 'em.)

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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