Why couldn't Kim have been a French minor instead of Spanish?
Ms. Beth-Annie has asked (in a different forum) why I have this thing for the French language (such as me switching the archives over to that lovely vernacular). Here was my reply:

"Here is why I am obsessed with the French language:

"In 9th grade, I wanted to take French, mostly because it sounded so cool coming off the tongue. ("Sacre bleu!" and such.) (Also, French had more acute and circumflex accents than Spanish, which makes it automatically more cool; I was never much impressed by Spanish's n-yay's tilde.) However, the fine folks at Iowa Falls High School did not see fit to offer the fine language of French, believing that the language of the Nazis and the language of the, uh, Spaniards were sufficient.

"So I took Spanish. And I did not terribly like it. In tenth grade, when we moved to Ames, I seriously considered swapping out Spanish for French, but I didn't, and so I have not had a chance to reconcile my affectionate view of French with the realism of actually having to learn the language.

"No, I never had a crush on a French foreign exchange student."

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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