Blah blah blah blah.
I'm dead tired, I don't have anything interesting to say, but I feel an obligation to post something. So this is that post.

This reminds me of one of my 25 favorite scenes in Magnolia:

Phil: I know this sounds silly, and I know that I might sound ridiculous -- like this is the scene of the movie where the guy is trying to get a hold of the long-lost son, y'know, but this is that scene. This is that scene. And I think they have those scenes in movies because they're true. Y'know, because they really happen. And you gotta believe me, this is really happening. I mean, I can give you my number and you can go check with whoever you gotta check with and call me back. But do not leave me hanging on this. Please. I'm just -- please. See, this is the scene of the movie where you help me out.

Here is another scene from Magnolia. I also like this scene.

Claudia: I'm really nervous that you're gonna hate me soon. You're gonna find stuff out about me and you're gonna hate me.
Jim: No. Like what? What do you mean?
Claudia: You have so much -- so many good things. And you seem so together. You're a police officer and you seem so straight and put together -- without any problems.
Jim: I lost my gun today.
Claudia: What?
Jim: I lost my gun today when I left you and I'm the laughingstock of a lot of people. I wanted to tell you. I wanted you to know and it's on my mind. And it makes me look like a fool. And I feel like a fool. And you asked that we should say things -- that we should say what we're thinking and not lie about things. Well, I can tell you that, this, that I lost my gun today -- and I am not a good cop. And I'm looked down at. And I know that. And I'm scared that once you find that out you may not like me.
Claudia: Jim. That, that was so--
Jim: I'm sorry.
Claudia: --great. What you just said.

You know what other movie I like? Ghost World. Here is a scene from Ghost World.

Enid shows Seymour the other pictures in the journal.

This is a new heading; however, I am continuing to talk about the same thing I was discussing before. I just put in a new heading because I am bored. Bored, bored, bored. That is me. Sleepy and bored. Please, I am asking you politely not to read the rest of this post, because it will be a reflection of my current boring, sleepy self. If you do read on, remember that this heading means nothing, and we're continuing to talk about Ghost World.

That is such a moving scene. I also like the scene in the sex shop. Seriously. That is the most awesome sex-shop scene ever.

The book Ghost World is even sadder than the movie. You should all read it. It is only 80 pages long, and there are lots of pictures, so it's about an hour read for people who read more slowly than I. However, I do not like the sex-shop scene in the book as much, because it is so much better that Enid goes to the shop with Seymour instead of Josh. Seymour is actually only barely in the book. Did you know that?

Also, if I took my journal entries from last month, and printed them out about 200 words to the page, they would be about 80 pages. You know what else is 80 pages long? An 80-page long book. Also, Ghost World is 80 pages long; that's quite a coincidence, as I was just discussing the movie Ghost World, which is based on the book that is 80 pages long.

Rationale for the above.

I do not know why I am doing this bohemian entry, an entry with little certitude. That is a lie, by the way, because actually, I do know why: I have spent way too much time around people today, and I am trying to get away from all that, and the best way to get away from that is through my writing, but I can't write, because I'm too tired to think straight, but I am not too tired to type in favorite movie titles in the IMDB and click on "Memorable Quotes." So that is what I do. I quote movie lines, and just go with this write-whatever-comes-to-mind crap that makes for a lame entry.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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