I do not like my wife.
I need to be smarter about what I write in this journal.
Kim took my Danielson Famile CD out of my car without my permission! How dare she! I am nice to her and I let her have my air-conditioned Accord on Sunday while I take out her hot-as-Hell-if-Hell-is-having-a-sunny-day Camero with no working air during what was not a wintry afternoon by the way, and this is how she repays me? I do not know if I want to weep or move her picture from my desk into the can o' trash.

(I don't have a problem with you taking it, Kim. I really don't. Really. I mean it. NOW GIVE IT BACK NOW! I NEED IT! Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice. It's just that I want to hear just the littlest bit of "Let Us A.B.C.," just the part where the 3/4 rhythm of the song grinds against the 4/4 and 5/4 snare drum beats and the tight harmonies start to...I CAN'T TAKE IT! WHERE DID YOU HIDE IT? WHERE?!?)


In fact, I do not like anybody.
Context: Beth-Annie is talking about how much she likes San Fran, but that it's too expensive, there's earthquakes, blah blah blah, so she and Ed would never move there. I say something sarcastic (and relatively non sequiturish) about that if Ed found a job that paid more than $250,000 in that hilly city, she'd move there regardless of any earthquakes. Here is her lovely reply:

"Show me anywhere Josh can make $271K and I'll move there faster than you can embarrass yourself in a disc golf tournament."

I will never stop crying.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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