Of course, no one is reading this anymore, as I've slacked off. But anyway.

Prinsiana Weekly Quiz #1, and I rightly do wish to live up to that adverb:

a) What do these words have in common: texan, jigsaw, it, fix, chloë? (Hint: Jigsaw and It would not qualify.)
b) Give the last three numbers in this sequence: 6, 3, 3, 7, 5, 2, 7, 4, 1, __, __, __.

Send your answers to mdprins@yahoo.com. A randomly selected winner will receive a $1000 gift certificate to Prinsiana, excluding the Prinsiana store. That's assuming there is a potential winner to randomly select, of course.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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