It is done.
The order has been completed. The late are crying and banging their heads against the walls and screaming "Why couldn't I have gotten in Matthew's order and saved three dollars in shipping? Why?"

However, you can still buy Prinsiana stuff, of course. Also, you can also support the working people of America. How neato keeno.

It is undone.
Somewhere, I have a disk containing the final pages of seven novels. I printed it out and, because it happened to be on my person, showed it to some SAT&Bs, who were generally suitably amused. (Hi, Misses Neptune and Gray!) Once I find the disk, I promise I will send it to my "Never Underestimate" buds.

It is kinda done.
So, I've managed to write in this journal about every other weekday -- not quite the every weekday promise, but much better than the once-every-two-months-maybe schedule I was on late last year. However, I see a problem: my journal entries have recently become less consciously interesting. Rather, they are more Matthew rambling on about how great he is, how hard it is for him to give up television for Lent (a sly form of the public tithing that Beth and Jesus hate), etc. The Catholicism deconstruction worked for a while, but I've lapsed into the "Seinfeld" journal: a journal about nothing. (Also, like "Seinfeld," it's generally not funny.)

I'm not immediately sure how to resolve this; perhaps it'll simply resolve itself once I get on another kick of sorts.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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