Is curling a sport?
Since the curling shirts arrived at my home on Friday, I've been thinking: Is curling a sport, or is it merely a game? Then I thought: Is disk golf a sport, or is it merely a game? Then I thought: Is chess a sport, or is it merely a game?

No more wondering need be done. I have come up with a six-item checklist to ensure that your favorite sport is, indeed, a sport.

1) A sport must involve two or more teams or individuals that are all aiming for the same end-game result.
2) A sport must have a scoring system that is not entirely based on the speed an activity is finished. (This scoring system may be implicit, such as in billiards.)
3) A sport must have both a method of scoring and a method to keep the other team from scoring. (For example, golf does not qualify, but billiards -- where you could position the cue ball poorly for the next player -- does.)
4) A sport must involve one or more members from a defensive team in the majority of scoring situations. (For example, billiards does not qualify, as one player precedes another precedes another.)
5) A sport must be a zero-sum game: excluding ties, the number of winners in each singular sporting event must be the same.
6) A sport must involve skill and either strength or speed.

Disk golf's out at three, and if I knew more about curling, I'd know if it made it through four and six.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
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