You'll notice that in yesterday's post, I didn't say, "More later today." I was going to, but didn't wish to raise the hopes of my 14 loyal readers.

I've decided this everyday-writing-thing would be easier if I had daily topics that I'd go back to week after week. That's worded poorly, but what I mean is that every week I would write on the following topics:

Monday: the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Tuesday: gross bodily functions [above navel].
Wednesday: the olden days in Iowa Falls and Ames.
Thursday: gross bodily functions [below navel].
Friday: potpourri, but post must be written as a palindrome.


On my two promises for this week:

1) I'm going to write a 1,000-word review responding to the question (as Kim puts it), "How can Ghost World be your favorite film of the year?" (To clarify: she doesn't dislike the film, but she doesn't understand how I can love it so much. Memento, conversely, she gets my love for; like my dad said, it's easy to think of Memento as a great film because he [and Kim, and I] never would have thought about creating a film like that.)

2) When I said "I'll share a couple ideas on this tomorrow" regarding what modern ideals will seem "near-horrific" in 2052, you'll notice I didn't say my ideas. I had none. I was fortunate to get a couple responses to this question, though:

"Abortion won't stay in this 50/50 split for another half-century. Either it'll be widely considered America's Holocaust or it'll be the hip thing to do." [Wrong, I'd say; during my lifetime, abortion will always be legal, and about a third of the country will be vehemently against it. It's been like this for 30 years, and I don't see any catalyst for change.]

"In 50 years, Canada will take over the US and [we'll] all speak like those people in Fargo." [We can only hope.]

oh so lovingly written byMatthew | 

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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