Welcome to Kaly's
I'm attempting to actually make this a website with cool things like pictures and my cd list and stuff. In the mean time, enjoy these fun links. They're not really in any sort of order, just however I thought of them really. You'll figure it out and they should tell you a bit about me. You can also check out my resume to find out more about me.
So, yes, I do realize this is currently a pathetic excuse for a website. At some point in my life, I may remedy that. For now, to enjoy a semi-frequently updated webpage about me, here are some of my random thoughts.
Mancy A'lan Kane Website
This website is my pride and
joy. In addition to working on my personal site, I will also be
"revamping" my Mancy site because it desperately needs it.
Jars of Clay is my favorite band and
their new album releases March 5th! Also look for them on pay-per view
March 3rd. Their improved website includes an chance to win cool stuff
including backstage passes just by joining the mailing list!
I am currently a sophomore at this
fine institution, majoring in marketing with hopes of some day working to
promote Christian music.
I hope to transfer to Greenville College for the beginning of my junior
year. It was my first college choice, but we all know how those things
sometimes go. In my opinion, this site is more interesting
than ISU's, but I think I'm a bit biased. ;)
State athletics.
They're great. Pay special attention to our women's basketball team and
our men's team. As I was telling a friend of mine the other day, love for
ISU basketball is in my genes--it won't go away no matter how hard anyone tries
to get it to. LET'S GO STATE! :)
said. But if you really don't get it, Iowa State is in the Big XII
Conference. :)
hometown and the location of Iowa State. Quite the pretty website, I
source of Ames news. There's really no more to say about it. Also
check out The Des Moines Register.
Journal-Register. Some say I'm weird for
reading the paper from a town in which I've never even lived. Others say
I'm obsessed (the correct term is distracted, we all know that).
Yet the sane ones say they can't criticize me for it because they do the same
thing. Thanks, Steve! :) Anyway, this is the site for the
Springfield, IL, newspaper and I do actually read it.
marketing resources. Some very cool things can be found there.
:) I haven't used it yet, but just may someday.
All pages created by Karleen Weitzel. Last updated 10/18/02